dance is not just a choreography, it is a fitness insanity workout. It’s a
worldwide Colombian exercise-dance style that is merged with some other
international influences like the Caribbean dance styles that is considered one
of the funniest dance classes and an excellent fat burning one.
As a Port Ghalib's resident, we introduce to you our new Zumba classes with Ms. Daniela Dockhorn, an expert Zumba instructor who loved to begin its fitness business here in our city.
“the Zumba is a Colombian originated fitness dance. It was created by the choreographer and fitness instructor Alberto “Beto” Perez in a funny coincidence.” Ms. Daniela said. “suddenly, He had to cover up a class for a fitness instructor friend who do usually dance classes. He invented the Zumba in a dance class and people loved it and they began to ask for it, then, Beto made some modifications on it to be like a fitness and aerobics dance class, until it became an international training routine.” She added.
Daniela started to get familiar with Zumba, when she was working in a kite surf house in Hurghada. “I used to have a Dominican colleague who started to teach me the Zumba steps and I loved it.” She said. “I started to get addicted to Latin dance, so I traveled in a vacation to the Dominican Republic to learn more about the Zumba “she added. “after the vacation, I started to watch some videos and tutorials, at home, to learn how to be an aqua and kids Zumba instructor.”
Daniela started to begin her Zumba private classes in Port Ghalib in 2014 till 2016. “when a lot of residents asked me to teach them Zumba, I had to do some small private classes for the neighbors and my friends, but I haven’t much time to continue and after I had to leave the city.” Dani narrated. “But when I came back to Port Ghalib again, this year, I took the decision of offering some professional classes for the residents and lucky me I found a high demand and people requesting to join the classes.”
Daniela stated that Zumba can burn from 900-1500 calorie per hour, “only, if you do it in a proper way.” She confirmed “at first, you won’t definitely loose this number of calories but afterwards you will start to begin losing this amount.”
Zumba is popular in all age ranges “even kids from 3-4 years can begin to learn it” she said. It’s popular in the women communities “sometimes women are doing less effort than men at home and they start not to feel good about themselves, so they want to get out and do something new to release their energy to get more confident and to get to know new people and make new friends.” She said. “80% of my present trainees are foreigners and 20% are Egyptians.” She added.
The Zumba classes are twice per week, at Wednesday and Saturday, from 6 pm for 2 hours, in the tower village garden The charge for the class is 100 pounds per session.