أحدث الأخبار

ترقبوا آخر أخبار بورت غالب

Al-Quseir citadel is an Ottoman castle used by "Muhammad Ali". A French fleet of four ships came to carry out the order of Napoleon Bonaparte in February 1799. The Arab forces came from the Hijaz under the leadership of "Sherif Hassan" and allied with the armed ground forces, and then took the French naval fleet that was under the command of the leader "Kolo" A storm sank a ship of four ships and the three others fled to Suez. After the naval fleet failed in the attack, Napoleon Bonaparte then led his expedition to Daisy, the leader of his expedition, to occupy and shorten his campaign.

In May 1799, Bellaire wrote to "Dizier" telling him that the fortress of Quseir oversees the city but is far from the sea, so it is safe from the artillery of the English fleet. The English fleet attacked Quseir castle in August 1799, led by Blankett, but failed after all the damage caused to the castle by the bombing of the English artillery fleet. They succeeded when they returned the ball in the Meno era after the evacuation of the French in February 1801 and then left it in June of that year. When Muhammad Ali assumed the rule of Egypt in 1805, Al Quseir played a role in the events at the time. In June 1815 after returning from the Druze to support his son," Toson, "the father of Khedive Abbas, who was fighting Sheikh" Abdul Wahab "and his followers.

And then he sent his son Ibrahim in September 1816, to travel to Hejaz and returned. also in December 1819 and from there to Qena and from Qena to Cairo by ship The city remained short in the Islamic era in general and the Mamluk era as a port of great importance was one of the main ports that In which the pilgrims of North Africa destination Mecca and Medina.

The city of Quseir, in the Islamic era in general and the Mamluk period,  as a port of great importance, was one of the main ports where the pilgrims of North Africa travelled to Mecca and Medina.

There are four towers, the thickness of the walls from 26 to 30 and is built limestone and the palace contains only a small number of rooms and also contains a well dug whole of plaster. Its water is very heavy and salty and used for watering cattle. A hundred steps from the southwestern façade outside the palace is an old water tank, which is broken with bricks, which can accommodate 45 cubic meters of water, and reaches the bottom of the reservoir. Many paths descend from the surrounding hills and are adjacent to the water in the rainy season. Reservoir exists at present). On the other side of the fort there was a mosque, several tombs or tombs, which were demolished by the French

The purpose of construction of the castle was to monitor the port of the short and the coast around it from its high position in 1571.

Now, it became a huge castle seen as a fully-controlled city center, built over a high limestone plateau, covered with round-shaped asphalt, clustered in a series of hills, all of which consisted of round gravel, as the end of the high mountain range that bordered the horizon from the west or The Ottoman Citadel The Egyptian border guard from the east.